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Ayurveda: The Science of Life

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Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old healing system originating in India from the ancient sacred texts; The Vedas. It is a holistic science which primarily uses lifestyle as medicine to bring an individual into their unique and optimal balance. Ayurveda is a sister science to Yoga, Tantra, Vastu (Vedic Feng Shui) and Jyotish (Vedic astrology). Within Ayurveda, many remedies from these related sciences are incorporated though Ayurveda is a whole and complete system on its own. 

What makes Ayurveda a wonderful stand-alone or complementary medicine to modern methods, is that it looks at each individual as a completely unique being. Therefore, all treatments are prescribed according to an individual’s unique constitution, lifestyle needs and personal capabilities. Ayurveda addresses the root cause of disease rather than prescribing treatments for symptoms. It is for this reason that Ayurvedic medicine allows an individual to sustainably recover from disease and maintain health throughout their life. 

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According to Ayurveda, disease results due to an imbalance of the elements within the body. The five elements create three doshas which are organizations of the elements expressed in the individual. The doshas are often seen as archetypal energies that express different characteristics- much like your zodiac sign or enneagram. This is useful for learning and understanding how the elements express themselves in bodies and personalities. However, the word dosha actually means “fault” or “crack”. People are generally dominant in one dosha over the other two. This means that disease will tend to accumulate in the biggest “crack” as it sets in. By understanding our unique combination of elements, we can heal from current disease and protect against disease in the future.  Ayurveda views “dis-ease” as anything opposite of “ease.” From a stiff neck to a heart attack, disease is anything that takes your being out of balance with your true nature which is blissful health of the body, mind and spirit.  

The five elements and associated doshas are: 



Vata is the energy of movement. It’s qualities are dry, light, cold, clear, subtle, mobile and rough. Those with a Vata dominant constitution will be light bodied, thin-framed, often very tall and lanky or very short. They are often double jointed and can have unique features like crooked teeth or large, deep-set eyes. Vata-dominant beings have naturally dry skin and will need to hydrate and moisturize regularly. They have clear and subtle minds which makes it easy for them to tap into the etheric realm and be quite empathic. This means that it is important for them to cultivate healthy boundaries and protective practices as well. When in balance, they are very creative, intuitive, flexible and emotionally sensitive. For this reason, they excel in careers involving art, music, bodywork and healing of all kinds. When out of balance, they tend towards anxiety, fear, irregular digestion, weight loss and lack of stability. The most soothing and balancing therapies for them involve healing touch, creating a stable routine and avoiding stimulating and loud situations as they become overwhelmed very easily. Receiving massage regularly, oiling their own body daily, rising with the sun, keeping regular mealtimes, spending time in nature, taking warm baths and keeping their body warm and protected from the elements will keep them feeling their best. Warm and moist foods with adequate healthy fats and protein are very stabilizing. 


Pitta is the energy of transformation. It’s qualities are oily, light, hot, spreading, sharp/penetrating, liquid and fermenting.  Pitta-dominant beings have medium frames, moderate muscle tone and may have a more “athletic” build. They easily gain muscle and can be very good at competitive sports. When in balance, they are focused, organized, ambitious and goal-oriented. They love having a job to do and a list of tasks to check off so they feel a sense of accomplishment. When out of balance, they tend towards anger, over-criticizing of themselves and others, acidic digestion symptoms and mental unrest due to over-analyzing. The most balancing therapies for Pitta are cooling energetically, calming, simple and playful in nature. Although routine is important for all doshas, when Pitta folks are over-worked, it’s important for them to shake up their routine and play.  Taking time to rest, loosen up, have fun and find peaceful and playful hobbies they enjoy will be very balancing. They do well with cooling breathing techniques and cooling foods like coconut, mint, cilantro and lime. It can also be very relieving for them to take cool showers and go for regular swims in the warm months.


Kapha is the energy of structure and lubrication. It’s qualities are oily, heavy, cool, cloudy/sticky, gross (substantial), smooth/slimy, dull/slow, liquid then dense, and soft then hard. Kapha dominant beings are large-boned, stable-bodied and curvaceous. They can be very muscular and solid. In balance they are loving, kind, generous and nurturing. They do well in caretaking careers, as home-makers or parents and in healing fields due to their giving nature. They make wonderful friends and partners because they are very loyal. Out of balance, they can be overly attached, greedy, jealous and easily gain weight.  The best way to balance Kapha is to get moving. Kapha dominant folks do well with rising early to see the sun come up, exercising daily to break a sweat, and having friends that motivate them to try new things and go on adventures. They can also be very attached to their routines so getting them to rearrange the old, stuck habits and find more uplifting activities will be supportive. Because Kapha beings are cool, heavy and solid creatures, warm, energizing, well-spiced and light foods are the best dietary medicine. 
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All of this being said, there are as many elemental expressions as there are people. Many of us are dominant in more than one dosha, making us Vata-Pitta, Pitta-Kapha, Vata-Kapha or Tridoshic, an even blend of them all. We all have a completely unique blend of the elements within us. As we understand the elements more intimately and how they express in our individual lives, we can better evaluate our state of balance. This gives us a more informed perspective as to what practices and therapies will be most balancing at a given time. Ayurveda always asks the question “For Whom and When?”

Prakruti vs Vikruti 

There are two frames of reference as we begin to look at the unique blend of energies within our personal beings. Prakruti and Vikruti. 
Prakruti is our baseline constitution, determined at conception, that is consistent throughout our lives. This is the constitution we are born with and therefore, will be the first indicator as to what our genetic strengths and weaknesses might be. Prakruti is formed as a result of our personal karma, our parent’s genetic traits, and our mother’s diet, lifestyle and choices while we are in utero. We arrive into this life with a certain set of lessons to learn and the state we arrive in is one of our first lessons. Our bodily, spiritual and mental dispositions are inherited from our ancestral line, our parent’s lifestyles and our karmic patterns. 
Vikruti is our current state of balance. It is manifested through environment, diet lifestyle, experiences and relationships throughout our lives. Vikruti is affected by the choices of our caretakers in our formative years as well as the choices we make for ourselves throughout our lives. Outer factors we cannot control and factors we can, influence Vikruti. Our state of balance is constantly changing, moment to moment, based on the ebbs and flows of our life’s journey. When we understand our Prakruti and Vikruti, we can move closer to our original unique nature using the wisdom of Ayurveda. 
Understanding the elements of Ayurveda, how they express through the doshas and our Prakruti and Vikruti, help us put together the pieces of the puzzle for our personal road map to health and bliss. The true goal of Ayurveda is one-ness. One-ness with ourselves, with nature and with the Universe. As we learn about our unique nature and refine our lives based on these principles, we allow ourselves to return to who we are at the core of our being. As we begin to understand our true nature and make an effort to align with it, our lives seamlessly begin to improve. Our deepest desires and soul’s purpose our magnetically drawn to us by the Universe and we find more fulfillment, peace and joy in all aspects of life. 
Step into your authentic nature with Ayurveda. Unlock your personal bliss. 

Ready to start your Ayurveda journey?

Resources mentioned: Dr. Vasant Lad, P.Couvillion, Sahara Rose Ketabi, Traci Webb 
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